From the course: Design Thinking: Testing and Refining

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Conversion and conver$ion

Conversion and conver$ion

- [Narrator] Conversion is most often used to describe someone converting into a customer, meaning buying a product or service, transacting. That may mean checking out on your website shopping cart, or booking a trip on your travel app, but it's actually much broader. In fact, many people think conversion is only product purchases. It can be used to describe any successful completion of an important task that your customers must complete to do business with your company. Don't fall into this trap. If you do, you'll miss out on testing and learning other very important parts of the customer's journey. These other parts are important points that should be satisfying, and should lead up to the ultimate goal. For example, let's imagine that you work for a social media company like TikTok, Snap, or Facebook. While there might be companies selling products within your app, your company does not sell anything to most of its…
