From the course: Design Thinking: Testing and Refining

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- So, speed and quantity are popular subjects in business and within testing, especially as everyone is looking for ways to speed up their time to market in such a competitive world. But sometimes, as the famous saying says so well, patience is a virtue. And in this case, a little goes a long way. Even in a situation where speed is valued, thoughtful consideration goes a long way towards creating quality learning. What do I mean by quality? Capturing qualitative data. Qualitative means understanding why someone feels or behaves a certain way. It's how we gain deep contextual understanding of our customers. We do it using non-numerical means and direct observations. Often, we focus on smaller user samples, a smaller number of people interviewed, to reveal data such as their attitudes, behaviors, and hidden factors, insights which guide better designs. Imagine you work for the Red Cross or some other international…
