From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

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Roadmap: Analyzing room layout

Roadmap: Analyzing room layout - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

Roadmap: Analyzing room layout

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we'll look at an example of how you can use Dynamo to analyze aspects of your project model that Revit doesn't have a built-in feature for. Let's say you've developed your project to a level that it's time to start preparing power and data plans, and you begin to lay out the locations of electrical outlets throughout the project. Perhaps your client specified that in one particular room, maybe it's a training lab or a specific type of classroom, each person in the room will be using a laptop computer and needs to have access to a power outlet, but the room's furniture configuration needs to remain flexible. After doing a few minutes of internet research, it looks like it's really common for laptop power cords to be about eight feet long. So it's probably a reasonable design criteria to impose on ourselves that in any feasible furniture layout for the space, each seat should be within eight feet from a power outlet. One sign that this is a good problem…
