From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

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Filter line lengths with a Boolean mask

Filter line lengths with a Boolean mask - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

Filter line lengths with a Boolean mask

- [Instructor] Now that we've generated a line from each seat to every power outlet in the room, it's time to measure the length of those lines and determine whether the shortest line in each group is greater than eight feet, which is the average length of a laptop power cord. To measure the length of a line, let's start in the Geometry section of the node library. If you remember from the Dynamo Essential Training course, the line data type falls under the broader umbrella of curves. The curve section of the library has several nodes for querying data about lines and curves. We'll want to drop in a Length node, which measures the length of each line that we feed as an input. When I connect our list of lines to the Curve Length node, you'll notice in the node preview that the structure of the nested list remains intact. We fed the length node 25 lists, each having eight items, and our output is 25 lists, each having eight items. This is going to work to our advantage in the next step…
