From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

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Roadmap: Attractor-driven curtain panels

Roadmap: Attractor-driven curtain panels - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

Roadmap: Attractor-driven curtain panels

- [Instructor] In the previous chapters, we've worked through several examples of how Dynamo can be used to automate and analyze aspects of our project that Revit just doesn't have built-in features for. Now let's explore how we can apply some of the programming and computational techniques that we've been using in Dynamo to generate design elements and effects in architectural projects. For this example, we'll introduce a method called an attractor point. Dynamo comes with a sample file called core attractor point which includes a series of cylinders whose height and radius varies depending on the cylinders' distance from a specific point, called an attractor point. Attractor point examples are fairly common among introductory-level computational design applications because they tend to demonstrate how easily you can achieve wide variety based on something as simple as the distance between two objects. In this chapter, we'll write a Dynamo graph that uses this attractor point method…
