From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

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Count family instances for a parameter

Count family instances for a parameter - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

Count family instances for a parameter

- [Narrator] According to the International Building code, the method we used earlier in the chapter for calculating occupant load doesn't apply to spaces that have fixed seats, meaning the number of seats fastened to the floor, such as this auditorium space in our project. For these types of spaces, the IBC states that we don't need to calculate the area divided by a load factor. Instead, the occupant load is simply determined by the number of fixed seats installed in the space. In the previous step, Dynamo wrote a value of zero to this room's occupant load parameter. In this step, let's have Dynamo count the number of fixed seats and overwrite the zero parameter value with the seat count. I'll start with a new home workspace in Dynamo. The past few workflows we've seen have begun by selecting all of the Revit elements of a specific category. I suppose we could start this graph that way too, selecting all of the elements of the furniture category, but there's some room for error…
