From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

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Generate a random list of numbers

Generate a random list of numbers - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Dynamo: Revit Workflow

Generate a random list of numbers

- [Teacher] In the last video, we wrote a Dynamo graph that changes each curtain panel's Fin depth according to it's distance from an attractor point in order to achieve an aesthetic effect that we wanted for the design of the curtain wall feature. Now let's take that aesthetic once step further by showing and hiding curtain panel Fins in a randomized pattern. This curtain panel family is built with a yes or no instance parameter called FinVisible that determines whether a Fin is visible or invisible. You'll notice that when I uncheck Fin Visible, the Fin element on that curtain panel disappears. Before we can write a Dynamo workflow to randomly change the panels' Fin Visibility., let's see how Dynamo reads the visibility parameter for these Fins so that we can get an idea of the kind of data that we need to provide as an input in order to set the Fin Visibility. We already have the list of curtain panels coming out of the Set Parameter by Name node from our last exercise. Let's plug…
