From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Using a card wallet

Using a card wallet

- When we're out in the field shooting, you probably noticed we got a lot of shots. In fact, there was a bunch of shooting that I did over a couple of days that you didn't even get to see. Well, the thing is, is that all those shots really add up. When you start to shoot time-lapse in a raw format you're going to burn through cards pretty quick. In fact, I've been using 128 gigabyte cards a lot. Now, you don't have to shoot raw and you don't have to shoot jpeg. I don't care what format card you use but I don't want you to lose data. As such, I can't emphasize enough to have a data management strategy. And mine for the field is really simple. It all starts with having two card wallets. Now I put one in my right pocket and one in my left pocket. The one in the right pocket has all my cards. These cards are empty. And if you look at them, they're ready to go. I've already formatted them. I've cleared them off. There's no…
