From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Exporting the time-lapse sequence from Adobe Premiere Pro

Exporting the time-lapse sequence from Adobe Premiere Pro

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Exporting the time-lapse sequence from Adobe Premiere Pro

- Once you're satisfied with the results, you have to decide how you want to export. Now, if this is a clip that you're just going to cut in with other video shots, just treat it like a piece of footage, edit it into any timeline, and then when you export, it's good to go, but if you just want to get out the individual file, let me show you how to do that. - I suggest that you do an initial render to check things. From the Sequence menu, you can choose Render Effects In to Out. If it's real time, it might play back. If you want to really be certain, you can choose Render In to Out to generate the actual frames. This can be useful to check for quality, then set this to 100% and Full Quality. Now, with your mouse over the window, you could press the accent grave or tilde key to take it and watch it at full size. This will help you judge if there's any issues with the file, but all in all, that looks pretty smooth. When…
