From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Why shoot with a stills camera

Why shoot with a stills camera

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Why shoot with a stills camera

- A question a lot of folks ask when they first come to time-lapse video or your clients may be wondering is, if you're making video, why aren't you using a video camera? Well, the thing is, is that when it comes to time-lapse, you want to take advantage of the benefits of shooting stills. Remember, a video file really is just a bunch of sequential images strung together. And because of a concept called persistence of vision, when your brain sees those images playing back, it detects motion. Now that motion looks really cool when it's time-lapse. And you could do that with a video camera. The challenge is, is that video cameras are very low resolution and they have things like fixed shutter speeds. This makes it difficult to often get a proper exposure or to do artistic things like streaking clouds or elongated light tails on the back of a car. Time-lapse lets you take all of the advantages of still camera shooting and…
