From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Selective recovery of a time-lapse sequence with Adobe Camera Raw

Selective recovery of a time-lapse sequence with Adobe Camera Raw

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Selective recovery of a time-lapse sequence with Adobe Camera Raw

- Sometimes your situation that you shoot in will lead to really tough exposures. Maybe it was a dramatic change in lighting, or just a tough situation to shoot. I'm going to show you two instances where I had a little bit of technology failure. The first is just the fact that the camera was left open for a really long time shooting in low light, and things I couldn't see in the viewfinder showed up in the final shot. The other is a simple fact that I had my camera settings wrong. Well, I want to show you how Adobe Camera Raw can be used with raw files to recover. And I don't care if you're accessing it through Photoshop, Bridge, or Lightroom, it's all the same. Let's start with this first shot here. I'll select all the files, right-click, and choose Open, and Camera Raw. Notice here you can actually see the back of the curtain on the shot. In this case, we were doing a pretty long exposure for the scene. As such…
