From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Previewing in Adobe Bridge

Previewing in Adobe Bridge

- One of the things I really like is the ability to step in here and truly adjust the size of this. Notice we can get that very large, and in fact we can even hide things like the metadata panel if we want a little bit more space. I'll just switch the workspace here to preview and notice there that I can get a nice large image. I'm just going to expand this panel a little bit and you see we can get in there very nicely. Now we can also adjust the thumbnail size here if needed for the stack. When I get a bit larger, you see there's an actual play button. Now normally this is going to go at about a frame a second and that's going to work quite well. You see it's playing back. Let's go ahead and change our workspace here again. This time I'll go into the film strip view and we'll choose just the stack itself. Now, from the stacks menu, I'm going to choose frame rate and assign a typical frame rate for a time-lapse sequence.…
