From the course: Content Strategy for Marketers

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Selecting your primary content goals

Selecting your primary content goals

From the course: Content Strategy for Marketers

Selecting your primary content goals

- [Instructor] Once you know where gaps are in your content strategy, it's time to define your marketing goals to fill those gaps. First, pick a more general objective to examine. If we look at the example of the Topsy Turvy Cake company, they want to improve their top of the funnel strategy, because right now, their top of the funnel content isn't performing. So, the general goal is, how can I make my onsite content better so I can reach more customers? Now we have to make this goal more specific. Here are some examples of specific versions of this goal. Perform keyword research to identify local related keywords I can try to rank for, brainstorm how I can promote the high-quality content I already have in ways that reach potential customers in my community and run social ad tests promoting this top of the funnel content to capture more site traffic. What we're doing here is taking a general goal and deciding on actual…
