From the course: Content Strategy for Marketers

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Content for building brand community

Content for building brand community

From the course: Content Strategy for Marketers

Content for building brand community

- [Instructor] An extremely valuable but often overlooked marketing goal is to have your brand build a community. Online communities have multiple benefits for your clients and customers. They're able to connect with like-minded people. They can get help from their peers on questions related to your product or service. And they often feel a more direct connection to your brand, which improves brand affinity. Online communities also benefit your marketing goals. When you provide this sort of value, you're building trust with your clients or customers that can lead to more sales and retention down the line. But how can you create an online community? I'll be honest, it's a tall order. And content isn't the only piece of the puzzle. You'll need to decide on a place to build the community, like a Facebook or Slack group for example, then plan out which discussion threads or channels the community will feature, and finally determine…
