From the course: Content Strategy for Marketers

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Building your content framework

Building your content framework

- [Amanda] As we've learned, creating a content strategy takes time and research, but with the right approach, you can build an impressive plan that meets your marketing goals. We've covered how to audit your current content efforts, select your content goals, learn more about your audience, create content that meets your selected goals, measure your results, and work with internal teams. With this knowledge, you have everything you need to craft a solid content plan that drives your brand's growth. We've gone over a lot in this course, so I highly encourage you to download and use the Content Strategy Checklist I put together based on the chapters we've covered. This will help ensure you don't skip a step in the process. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to use the course Q&A or reach out to me directly via email or on Twitter, and thank you so much for joining me on this exploration of how to make content work…
