From the course: Content Strategy for Marketers

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Researching your audience as you build your content strategy

Researching your audience as you build your content strategy

From the course: Content Strategy for Marketers

Researching your audience as you build your content strategy

- [Instructor] When you put together your content goals, you're still not done strategizing. You need to do additional research to confirm your audience actually consumes information on the channels you have in mind. Not only that, understanding the channels your audience uses will help you successfully promote all of the content you create, since promoting across channels is fairly common. Let's use an example I've mentioned. Earning more traffic through your company blog. If you've only done a few posts, or haven't started a blog at all, it's a good idea to explore if this is the right direction for you. Since this particular goal is to increase organic traffic, that means the assumption is people would find these blog posts by searching in Google or another search engine. So the question is, are people looking for information on your topic and search? To find this out, you can use keyword research. Free tools like…
