From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Reflow text and read aloud

Reflow text and read aloud

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at two useful accessibility features that are built into Acrobat. I have this single page document here with some text on it. Now, personally, I'm reaching the point where it's getting more challenging for me to read text on a screen. So I might grab my marquee zoom tool and draw a rectangle around the text to make it larger. So this larger text is easier to see now, but it's also difficult to read this paragraph because I have to scroll horizontally back and forth to read it in its entirety. I was going back out to full page view again with Command or Control 0. So there's a better way to do this. Let's go to the View menu to Zoom, and here I'm going to choose Reflow. Notice we also have a keyboard command for it. And what this does is it changes the line breaks on the fly based on the zoom level. So if I click the zoom marquee to zoom in some more, notice the text continues to flow…
