From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Create PDFs from text and image files

Create PDFs from text and image files - Adobe Acrobat Tutorial

From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

Create PDFs from text and image files

- [Instructor] If you need to convert multiple files into PDFs, there's a feature in Acrobat that allows you to convert either individual files or entire folders of files to the PDF format. Just go to "File," "Create," and here choose "Create Multiple PDF Files." From here, I can click this menu and choose to add individual files from around my computer to add to the list of files that we want to convert. Or I can choose "Add Folders" if I have all the files I want to convert in one place. I do have a file of folders in the exercise files that I want to convert. So, I'll choose "Add Folders." I'll go out to my desktop. It's inside the "Chapter 04" folder. And it's 04_03. Notice that this is a collection of image files like JPEGs and TIFS, as well as a text file here. So, you can convert multiple formats to PDF at once. I'll click "Choose." They've been added to the queue here and I'll click "OK." Next, I have some…
