From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Add sticky notes and other annotations

Add sticky notes and other annotations - Adobe Acrobat Tutorial

From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

Add sticky notes and other annotations

- [Instructor] Acrobat can play a useful role when several people need to review a document. We already know that a major advantage of the PDF format is that it maintains the look of the original document by embedding the fonts and images. So when you share a PDF, you only need to share the PDF itself, and you don't have to include fonts that others have to install on their computers in order to properly view the file. So, because the PDF format is so good for sharing files for review, it makes sense that Acrobat and the free Adobe Acrobat reader should include tools that make it easy for people to comment on the document. The commenting tools are part of the default set of tools you see when you open up a PDF and Acrobat. Here in the section at the top of the screen, we have the Sticky note tool and the Highlighter. Which are probably the two tools you'll use the most often. Let's select the Sticky note. The concept of…
