From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Using After Effects particles

Using After Effects particles

- As we start to work with an environment, it's important to note that there's often atmospheric conditions: fog, mist, dust. These are things that you can add to a scene to make it look more photorealistic. Typically, this is done with a particle engine. After Effects has a built-in engine, and there are some great third party ones as well. Let's start with the built-in tool. Go ahead and choose Open for the project and navigate to the Lesson 11 folder and open up Particles. Now, open up the Vancouver scene here, and you see we've got an environment with our trees and clouds and an overall scene. What I want to do is add some particles in. Now there are many ways to do this, but I'm going to start by adding an adjustment layer initially. And from the Effect menu, I'll go to Simulation, and you'll see we have some different choices: Particle System, Particle Playground, and others. Let's try the Particle World here.…
