From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Filling in the holes: Content-Aware Move

Filling in the holes: Content-Aware Move

- One tool that I like to use is the Content Aware Move tool. It's actually used to move something from one part of a photograph to the other. Effectively, it erases it, fills in the hole, and then lets you move it and blend it somewhere else. And I'll show you how to use it, but it can also be quite useful to extend the edges quite effectively. Let's go here to the original layer for a moment, and I'll command click on the channel to make the basic selection. If I choose the Content Aware Move Tool, it's located here with the Patch Tool, watch what happens. I'm going to choose Move for a second, and I can drag and drop, and even get some transformation options. When I press return, it moved the object and attempted to erase the previous one and blend it. Let's undo. Let's make a small tweak here and expand the selection. I'll go out by 20 pixels. Now, Content Aware Move is going to be a bit better. You'll…
