From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Filling in the holes: Healing Brush

Filling in the holes: Healing Brush

- Another tool that's similar in function to the Clone tool is the Healing Brush, and it's available both in the Spot Healing Brush and the traditional Healing Brush. Let's take a look here at our image, and I want to remove an object over here. Another tool that's similar in function to the Clone tool is the Healing Brush, and it's available as both the Spot Healing Brush and a traditional Healing Brush. Let's remove two more objects from the background. I'll Command or Control click to make a selection. Now with the forest layer active, I'll press the delete key and it removes it. In this case, I want to get a little bit more, but that's okay. We can continue to extract. What we're going to do now is take advantage of the Healing Brush. You'll notice that this is located right above the Clone Stamp tool and there's two types. Let's start with the more basic Spot Healing Brush tool. Like the Clone Stamp, you could…
