From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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The Select and Mask command

The Select and Mask command

- Once you've got a selection that looks pretty good, Photoshop has some built-in commands to make it so much better. Now, it's called the refine edge command or the selected mask command, depending upon the version of Photoshop you're using. To access it, just click the select menu and choose the option you see. In my case, it's select and mask. Once you have a selection that looks pretty good, Photoshop has a built in tool to make an even better selection. It's the refine edge command, also known as the select and mask command, depending upon the version of Photoshop that you're using. To access it, just click on the select menu, and you'll see select and mask. The shortcut is command option R on a Mac, or control alt R on a PC. This is really leftover from when the selection command was called refine edge. So depending upon your version of Photoshop, you might see it either way. When you choose this, it will…
