From the course: Microsoft Forms Essential Training

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Add a text question

Add a text question

- [Instructor] Sometimes it makes sense to limit a survey participant to a few choices. But there will be times when you want them to answer in their own words. If that's the case, you can create a text question to capture the respondent's answer without limiting their choices. I'll do that in this movie. Previously, we added a multiple-choice question to discover how customers discovered RED30 products. The last option was other. So let's add a text question that allows them to be more specific. So I will scroll down to the bottom of the survey and click Add New. From the list of questions that appears, I'll click Text and a blank text question pops up on the screen. For the question, so I will click in the question text box. I will ask, "If you answered other, "please tell us how you discovered "RED30's products." I could add an image or other media if I wanted to. In this case I won't. And then there's a spot…
