From the course: Microsoft Forms Essential Training

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Close a form to further responses

Close a form to further responses

- [Instructor] It can be tempting to leave forms open indefinitely, but you will need to stop collecting information at some point. If you want, you can set a closing date when you create your quiz or survey. If not, you can stop accepting submissions at any time. I have opened the Robot Purchase Survey that I created earlier and let's say that I want to set an end date. To do that I can go to the upper right hand corner of the program window and click the More Form Settings button and then click Settings. Under Options for Responses I can do one of two things. I can either uncheck the Accept Responses button or I can set an end date. So let's see what happens if I clear Accept Responses, so I will uncheck that button and I get an indicator saying recipients are not able to fill out and submit this form and the message to recipients will be, "This form is closed to further responses." So now any user that tries to…
