From the course: Microsoft Forms Essential Training

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Analyze results in Excel

Analyze results in Excel

- [Curt] After you collect your quiz and survey responses, you can analyze the data. Microsoft Forms has robust built-in analytical capabilities, but you can also export your data to Excel if you want to. I'll show you how to do that in this movie. To export your data, open your quiz or survey, then go to the responses tab and click Open in Excel. You might receive a message at the bottom of the screen asking what you want to do. In this case, I will click open, 'cause I want to open the file in Excel, and after I do, the file will open in Excel, as you see here. You might get some warning messages about enabling editing for a file that you downloaded from the internet. In this case, it's okay because it's the file that you just created. And you can see that the results that were summarized on the responses tab in Microsoft Forms are displayed here, in Excel. So you have the ID of the respondent, the start time…
