From the course: Microsoft Forms Essential Training

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Control how individuals can interact with a form

Control how individuals can interact with a form - Microsoft Forms Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Forms Essential Training

Control how individuals can interact with a form

- [Instructor] Almost all forms have a limited target audience and timeframe. If you set up a form for internal use at your company, for example, you don't want just anyone to be able to see it, let alone fill it out. In this movie, I will show you how to control which individuals are able to interact with your survey or quiz, and also the timeframe within which they may do so. I have opened the robot purchase survey that I created earlier, and I want to change the form settings. So I'll go to the top right corner of the program window, and click more form settings. From there I'll click settings, and that opens the settings task pane. The first section asks who can fill out the form. Currently we have only people in my organization can respond selected, and when that's selected, you can record the individual's name, and you can also limit to one response per person. Now I'll see what happens if I try to allow anyone…
