From the course: Microsoft Forms Essential Training

Change how quiz results are displayed - Microsoft Forms Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Forms Essential Training

Change how quiz results are displayed

- [Instructor] There are many reasons to give quizzes but two of the most common are as training tools, in which case you would want to provide feedback on correct and incorrect answers immediately, or you can have it as a test of knowledge, in which case you want to withhold information about correct and incorrect answers until later. That prevents sharing among students and so on. In this movie, I will show you how to change when and how quiz results are displayed. I've opened the Web Chat Customer Service Quiz that I created earlier. And the first thing I need to do because I've taken this quiz before is to allow multiple responses per person. So I will go to the More form settings button at the top-right corner, click Settings, and I will clear or uncheck the One response per person box, great. Also note that I currently have Show results automatically selected. So respondents will see the results and correct answers immediately after submitting the quiz. So let's see what that looks like in practice. I've clicked away and I will click the Preview button. And I'll answer the first question correctly and the second question incorrectly. And click Submit. I receive a message saying the response was submitted. And also I can submit another response if I want. I'll go ahead and click View results. And here I see that order number, I answered correctly. And the second, I did not. Now, I'll switch back to the form. And I will change what happens after we submit a quiz. So I'll go back over to the More form settings button, click Settings, and I will turn off the Show results automatically button. So I've turned off that option and I'll preview again and run through the quiz one more time. So I will select the correct answer for both of these questions. They happen to be the first one. I don't have them shuffled. And I'll click Submit. I have, "Thanks, your response was submitted." And I could submit another response if I want to. But I do not have the option to view my results. So depending upon the needs of your quiz and your target audience, you can either have responses and results displayed at the end or later when you share the results with the class.
