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Solutions → CertificationsCreate & Deliver World-Class Certification Programs.

To certify your customers, partners or employees, Intellum offers an education platform that enables the creation and delivery of all kinds of certifications, from basic to legally defensible programs.

Many organizations have been forced to cobble together individual tools for educational content development, content delivery, exam creation and administration, proctoring, activity tracking, reporting, and awarding the certifications themselves. 

Intellum reduces this complexity, and now offers a single solution for secure end-to-end certification program delivery that is trusted by some of the biggest brands in the world.

Vector illustration of a conveyor belt moving awards and certification icons.

Certifications = Winning

Users who are proficient in your organization’s products and services are likely to get much more out of them, leading to increased engagement, retention, loyalty, and advocacy. Offering certification allows you to deliver and measure that proficiency, and then map it back to business impact.

Companies who offer certifications differentiate themselves in the market as experts, which can also lead to the acquisition of new customers.

83% of working age adults said a certificate program improved their work skills, while58% said it was useful in increasing their pay.
*According to a 2018 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics survey
Vector illustrations of browser windows with various security icons and the Intellum and Honorlock logos.

Introducing Integrated AI-Driven Proctoring

The Intellum platform provides clients with an all-in-one solution for authoring, presenting, managing, tracking, and continuously improving every aspect of a world-class certification program…including live exam proctoring. 

Thanks to our integration with Honorlock, the leading AI-driven proctoring solution, Intellum clients can now eliminate the logistics associated with scheduling in-person "brick-and-mortar" testing and the costs associated with other online proctoring solutions.

"Bleeding-Edge" Cheating Mitigation

Honorlock's proprietary in-browser technology leverages AI to monitor user behavior through head movement, mobile-device engagement, and voice detection. If Honorlock detects potential cheating, a live proctor is alerted to intervene in real-time to ensure the integrity of the certification exam.

Ensuring Testing Integrity

Honorlock’s unique browser-based approach ensures that there is no disruption to the user experience in the Intellum Platform, which further supports the ability for clients to offer and promote on-demand certifications that learners can complete at any time, from anywhere.

One Tool To Rule Them All

Intellum's certification offering includes everything you need to build and deploy a world-class certification initiative - from content and exam creation to cheating mitigation and AI-driven proctoring solutions.

Exam Security

Leverage features like Safe Exam Browser, question watermarks, time spent on questions, and question randomization to keep users from gaming the system.


Integrate with proctoring and peer grading solutions for deeper assessment protection and cheating mitigation.


Set a price for a certification program, offer coupons or discounts, or allow organizations to make team or group purchases.


Create powerful custom reports and share the insight and impact with internal teams, stakeholders, and external audiences.


Take advantage of proven content management, user management, workflow, and translation solutions that are designed to help your initiative grow.


Empower users to share their achievements on social directly from the Intellum Platform, or integrate with credential solutions like Certmetrics or Credly.

Start building your world-class certification program today.