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Industries → NonprofitOrganizational Education Platform For Nonprofits

Deliver fun, personalized education to your employees, partners, and volunteers—so you can realize your vision and make the world a better place.

Isometric illustration of a heart.

Nonprofits powered by intellum

If Any of The Following Sound Familiar,You Need Intellum

  • You’re not set up to educate multiple audiences (e.g., international employees, affiliates, partners, volunteers, etc…).
  • You have no central repository for training content.
  • You plan to expand your programs through partnerships and affiliations, which means you’ll be adding more learners in the future.
  • You can’t onboard and enable diverse learners at scale.
  • Reporting on course and certification completion is too time consuming.
  • It’s hard to keep training consistent across locations.
Illustration of user in front of a screen showing the Intellum Platform UI

The Intellum Organizational Platform Is
Way More Than an LMS

Lots of nonprofit organizations discover Intellum while searching to buy a learning management system (LMS) they can use to train employees and partners.

But what they don’t realize is that their competitors have moved away from using old-fashioned LMSes in favor of modern solutions, like organizational education platforms (OEP), that are highly personalized, scalable, and far more engaging.

The Difference Is Clear
Learning Management System (LMS)
Organizational Education Platform (OEP)
  • Generic
  • Boring
  • Built for one audience
  • Not scalable
  • Highly personalized
  • Engaging
  • Built for multiple audiences
  • Scalable

Better Learner Experience = Better Business Results

If a learner doesn’t enjoy or find value in the education you provide, retention is minimal and course competition rates are low. This puts any business at risk—but for nonprofits, the stakes are higher. You can’t let poorly trained employees, affiliates, or volunteers jeopardize your ability to support individuals and families in need.

Whether it’s a short course for new volunteer training or an in-depth certification to ensure affiliate success, one thing’s for sure: Learner Experience impacts results.

Course Completions Rise

When users feel like the learning experience was built especially for their individual needs, they’re more likely to come back to the platform more often because training feels fun and valuable.

Staying Compliant Is Easier

When you’re supporting the neediest individuals, families, and communities—and receiving funding to do so—you’re under constant scrutiny. Intellum figured out how to make learning engaging and personal, so certifications get completed and you stay in compliance.

Reporting is a Breeze

Speaking of compliance, say good-bye to cumbersome, manual data collection. With Intellum, reporting on course and certification completions is easy as 1-2-3.

Learning is Scalable

Typically, as programs grow, administration needs grow, too. But our automation functionality and advanced user permissioning support that growth so your admin team stays lean—no matter how many learners you add.

Desired Outcomes Are Achieved

Mastery of service delivery. Compliance. Risk mitigation. Making the world a better place. Whatever your desired outcome, when you have Intellum powering your organizational education initiatives, the sky’s the limit.

What Our Clients Say

"We have been leveraging these products to deploy a number of educational programs, ranging from various e-learning modalities to virtual conferences. The platform has evolved a lot in the last two years and continues to grow through the opportunities and challenges provided by the times."

Jay S. headshot
Jay S.
LMS Program Manager
UI examples of the Intellum Platform.

TRY IT OUTExplore the Intellum Platform

Most companies force you to request a demo to see their software. We’re not most companies. Click the button to experience the Intellum platform.

See it in actionHabitat Learns

See how Habitat For Humanity uses Intellum to educate its employees, partners, affiliates, and volunteers.

Habitat for Humanity website image.

Onboard, Develop, and Upskill Your Nonprofit Employees, Partners, and Volunteers at Scale. Reach Your Desired Outcomes.