Is there really never a grey day for some people? Why you shouldn't feel guilty about feeling down once in a while

It is important to know that it's ok; we can’t all be constantly feeling good and happy all the time. It’s actually healthy having the normal ups and downs and allowing yourself to feel whatever you are feeling and going through in the moment.

1. Stop to listen inside

Listen to your own rhythm. Express whatever is right for you and try not to allow others to make you feel like there’s only one way to feel. Remember feelings are not forever and can change depending on what we are going through.

2. Not helpful

Expressions like 'chin up' and 'turn that smile upside down' sometimes can make us feel guilty, like we should be happy, as things could be worse, right?And if others make you feel bad for that, be honest and tell them. You may want some space for yourself to work on it and maybe in time, you’ll feel better. There’s nothing wrong with being honest or feeling how you do.

3. Keep it real

Ask yourself - instead of being happy all the time, isn’t it better to be your true self? Feel whatever is right for you. It’s better to release your emotions instead of bottling them up and forcing yourself to feel good when you aren't.

4. It aint real

Forget the flashy pics you see online, the smiles and ‘happy times’. More often than not, people only share the good and happy parts of their lives. It doesn’t mean they don’t have bad days like the rest of us.

5. You decide

Lastly, just SMILE. But only if you want to :)

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