The year of affirmations

First things first…what are affirmations?

That’s easy! Affirmations are positive statements that help us to overcome negative thoughts.

• I am brave
• I am kind
• I am strong
• I am beautiful
• I am smart
• I am thankful
• I am loved

It’s all about appreciating what is right in front of us and being grateful for the everyday things we sometimes may take for granted.

Whether it’s affirmations to start your day, build confidence or improve your health, you can create your own affirmations that are personal to you.

How do affirmations work?

Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation.

Every time we repeat a positive statement out loud, our brain slowly begins to believe it. When you truly believe you can do something, your actions often follow.

How to track your affirmations

Affirmations require practice. Whether you’re making your breakfast or brushing your teeth, you can use your morning routine to practise your affirmations out loud.

Talk to yourself in the mirror or record a voice note to listen to on the way to school. You could even track your mood, writing them down. Simply click on the face and say how you’re feeling and remember, these notes are personal to you.

Don’t know where to start?

It can be a little tricky working out where to start. How many affirmations should you write? How long should they be? What if they don’t make sense?

We recommend writing 3-4 positive affirmations. Try to keep them short and preferably no longer than a sentence or two.

• I can do this
• I am living my full potential
• I am in charge of how I feel and today I choose happiness
• All I can do is my best

Remember, affirmations are personal to you, so don’t worry about getting them wrong. If they make sense to you, that’s all that matters.

Go on - give it a go!

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