Ways to practise self love

Have a digital re-think

Scrolling through filtered selfies online can make you feel rubbish. If it makes you feel anything less than amazing…get rid!

Re-think and limit your time online. Set yourself timers or screen time alerts on your device.

Give yourself a hug

Yes we’re being serious! Fold your arms around your body and give yourself a squeeze.

You play the most important role in your own wellness, and hugging yourself can help remind yourself of your inner power.

Talk to yourself

It’s good to talk to yourself. When we express our feelings out loud it helps to organise our thoughts and relieve stress.

Sometimes a familiar voice is all we need. Record a voice note and remind yourself you’re doing great! “I am enough!”

Write a love note to yourself

Start each day by telling yourself something really positive like, how well you handled a situation or how lovely you look today.

Make a note. Be kind, and be proud of the things you’re good at. There is no one on this planet like you and you’re totally bossing it!

Prioritise yourself

Give yourself the attention, time and energy that you deserve by dedicating 15 minutes a day to yourself.

Use your device to make a list of all the little things you enjoy. Is it a mug of hot chocolate, or going to the park? Each day pick something different and give yourself a little self-care.

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