Moving the web forward includes enabling new classes of applications. Today’s Chrome Stable release advances this effort with the inclusion of the Pointer Lock JavaScript API (often called Mouse Lock). Now, 3D applications such as first-person games can allow users to control their perspective naturally with the mouse, without moving outside the window or bumping into the edge of their screen. Try it out for yourself in this 3D, first-person shooter demo created by our friends at Mozilla.

While games are fun, these capabilities also empower other types of applications such as medical and scientific visualization, training, simulation, modeling, authoring packages, and more. We're excited to see recent web platform technologies such as WebGL, Web Audio, Fullscreen, WebSockets, Gamepad, and Pointer Lock combine to be greater than the sum of their parts. Game developers have an excellent platform on which they can deploy rich games with all the benefits of the instant-on, auto-updating, linkable, shareable, and searchable web.

As always, Chrome will automatically update itself to include these latest enhancements. If you haven’t tried Chrome yet, give it a spin!