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Cookies – small files created by sites you visit – are fundamental to the modern web. They make your online experience easier by saving browsing information, so that sites can do things like keep you signed in and remember your site preferences. Due to their powerful utility, cookies are also a lucrative target for attackers.

Many users across the web are victimized by cookie theft malware that gives attackers access to their web accounts. Operators of Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) frequently use social engineering to spread cookie theft malware. These operators even convince users to bypass multiple warnings in order to land the malware on their device. The malware then typically exfiltrates all authentication cookies from browsers on the device to remote servers, enabling the attackers to curate and sell the compromised accounts. Cookie theft like this happens after login, so it bypasses two-factor authentication and any other login-time reputation checks. It’s also difficult to mitigate via anti-virus software since the stolen cookies continue to work even after the malware is detected and removed. And because of the way cookies and operating systems interact, primarily on desktop operating systems, Chrome and other browsers cannot protect them against malware that has the same level of access as the browser itself.

To address this problem, we’re prototyping a new web capability called Device Bound Session Credentials (DBSC) that will help keep users more secure against cookie theft. The project is being developed in the open at github.com/WICG/dbsc with the goal of becoming an open web standard.

By binding authentication sessions to the device, DBSC aims to disrupt the cookie theft industry since exfiltrating these cookies will no longer have any value. We think this will substantially reduce the success rate of cookie theft malware. Attackers would be forced to act locally on the device, which makes on-device detection and cleanup more effective, both for anti-virus software as well as for enterprise managed devices.

Learning from prior work, our goal is to build a technical solution that’s practical to deploy to all sites large and small, to foster industry support to ensure broad adoption, and to maintain user privacy.

Technical solution

At a high level, the DBSC API lets a server start a new session with a specific browser on a device. When the browser starts a new session, it creates a new public/private key pair locally on the device, and uses the operating system to safely store the private key in a way that makes it hard to export. Chrome will use facilities such as Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) for key protection, which are becoming more commonplace and are required for Windows 11, and we are looking at supporting software-isolated solutions as well.

The API allows a server to associate a session with this public key, as a replacement or an augmentation to existing cookies, and verify proof-of-possession of the private key throughout the session lifetime. To make this feasible from a latency standpoint and to aid migrations of existing cookie-based solutions, DBSC uses these keys to maintain the freshness of short-lived cookies through a dedicated DBSC-defined endpoint on the website. This happens out-of-band from regular web traffic, reducing the changes needed to legacy websites and apps. This ensures the session is still on the same device, enforcing it at regular intervals set by the server. For current implementation details please see the public explainer.

Preserving user privacy

Each session is backed by a unique key and DBSC does not enable sites to correlate keys from different sessions on the same device, to ensure there's no persistent user tracking added. The user can delete the created keys at any time by deleting site data in Chrome settings. The out-of-band refresh of short-term cookies is only performed if a user is actively using the session (e.g. browsing the website).

DBSC doesn’t leak any meaningful information about the device beyond the fact that the browser thinks it can offer some type of secure storage. The only information sent to the server is the per-session public key which the server uses to certify proof of key possession later.

We expect Chrome will initially support DBSC for roughly half of desktop users, based on the current hardware capabilities of users' machines. We are committed to developing this standard in a way that ensures it will not be abused to segment users based on client hardware. For example, we may consider supporting software keys for all users regardless of hardware capabilities. This would ensure that DBSC will not let servers differentiate between users based on hardware features or device state (i.e. if a device is Play Protect certified or not).

DBSC will be fully aligned with the phase-out of third-party cookies in Chrome. In third-party contexts, DBSC will have the same availability and/or segmentation that third-party cookies will, as set by user preferences and other factors. This is to make sure that DBSC does not become a new tracking vector once third-party cookies are phased out, while also ensuring that such cookies can be fully protected in the meantime. If the user completely opts out of cookies, third-party cookies, or cookies for a specific site, this will disable DBSC in those scenarios as well.

Improving user protection

We are currently experimenting with a DBSC prototype to protect some Google Account users running Chrome Beta. This is an early initiative to gauge the reliability, feasibility, and the latency of the protocol on a complex site, while also providing meaningful protection to our users. When it’s deployed fully, consumers and enterprise users will get upgraded security for their Google accounts under the hood automatically. We are also working to enable this technology for our Google Workspace and Google Cloud customers to provide another layer of account security.

This prototype is integrated with the way Chrome and Google Accounts work together, but is validating and informing all aspects of the public API we want to build.

Interest outside Google

Many server providers, identity providers (IdPs) such as Okta, and browsers such as Microsoft Edge have expressed interest in DBSC as they want to secure their users against cookie theft. We are engaging with all interested parties to make sure we can present a standard that works for different kinds of websites in a privacy preserving way.

Where to follow the progress

Development happens on GitHub and we have published an estimated timeline. This is where we will post announcements and updates to the expected timelines as needed. Our goal is to allow origin trials for all interested websites by the end of 2024. Please reach out if you'd like to get involved. We welcome feedback from all sources, either by opening a new issue or starting a discussion on GitHub.

Today’s The Fast and the Curious post covers the release of Speedometer 3.0 an upgraded browser benchmarking tool to optimize the performance of Web applications.

In collaboration with major web browser engines, Blink/V8, Gecko/SpiderMonkey, and WebKit/JavaScriptCore, we’re excited to release Speedometer 3.0. Benchmarks, like Speedometer, are tools that can help browser vendors find opportunities to improve performance. Ideally, they simulate functionality that users encounter on typical websites, to ensure browsers can optimize areas that are beneficial to users.

Let’s dig into the new changes in Speedometer 3.0.

Applying a multi-stakeholder governance model

Since its initial release in 2014 by the WebKit team, browser vendors have successfully used Speedometer to optimize their engines and improve user experiences on the web. Speedometer 2.0, a result of a collaboration between Apple and Chrome, followed in 2018, and it included an updated set of workloads that were more representative of the modern web at that time.

The web has changed a lot since 2018, and so has Speedometer in its latest release, Speedometer 3. This work has been based on a joint multi-stakeholder governance model to share work, and build a collaborative understanding of performance on the web to help drive browser performance in ways that help users. The goal of this collaborative project is to create a shared understanding of web performance so that improvements can be made to enhance the user experience. Together, we were able to to improve how Speedometer captures and calculates scores, show more detailed results and introduce an even wider variety of workloads. This cross-browser collaboration introduced more diverse perspectives that enabled clearer insights into a broader set of web users and workflows, ensuring the newest version of Speedometer will help make the web better for everyone, regardless of which browser they use.

Why is building workloads challenging?

Building a reliable benchmark with representative tests and workloads is challenging enough. That task becomes even more challenging if it will be used as a tool to guide optimization of browser engines over multiple years. To develop the Speedometer 3 benchmark, the Chrome Aurora team, together with colleagues from other participating browser vendors, were tasked with finding new workloads that accurately reflect what users experience across the vast, diverse and eclectic web of 2024 and beyond.

A few tests and workloads can’t simulate the entire web, but while building Speedometer 3 we have established some criteria for selecting ones that are critical to user’s experience. We are now closer to a representative benchmark than ever before. Let’s take a look at how Speedometer workloads evolved

How did the workloads change?

Since the goal is to use workloads that are representative of the web today, we needed to take a look at the previous workloads used in Speedometer and determine what changes were necessary. We needed to decide which frameworks are still relevant, which apps needed updating and what types of work we didn’t capture in previous versions. In Speedometer 2, all workloads were variations of a todo app implemented in different JS frameworks. We found that, as the web evolved over the past six years, we missed out on various JavaScript and Browser APIs that became popular, and apps tend to be much larger and more complicated than before. As a result, we made changes to the list of frameworks we included and we added a wider variety of workloads that cover a broader range of APIs and features.


To determine which frameworks to include, we used data from HTTP Archive and discussed inclusion with all browser vendors to ensure we cover a good range of implementations. For the initial evaluation, we took a snapshot of the HTTP Archive from March 2023 to determine the top JavaScript UI frameworks currently used to build complex web apps.

Another approach is to determine inclusion based on popularity with developers: Do we need to include frameworks that have “momentum”, where a framework's current usage in production might be low, but we anticipate growth in adoption? This is somewhat hard to determine and might not be the ideal sole indicator for inclusion. One data point to evaluate momentum might be monthly NPM downloads of frameworks.

Here are the same 15 frameworks NPM downloads for March 2023:

With both data points on hand, we decided on a list that we felt gives us a good representation of frameworks. We kept the list small to allow space for brand new types of workloads, instead of just todo apps. We also selected commonly used versions for each framework, based on the current usage.

In addition, we updated the previous JavaScript implementations and included a new web-component based version, implemented with vanilla JavaScript.

More Workloads

A simple Todo-list only tests a subset of functionality. For example: how well do browsers handle complicated flexbox and grid layouts? How can we capture SVG and canvas rendering and how can we include more realistic scenarios that happen on a website?

We collected and categorized areas of interest into DOM, layout, API and patterns, to be able to match them to potential workloads that would allow us to test these areas. In addition we collected user journeys that included the different categories of interest: editing text, rendering charts, navigating a site, and so on.

There are many more areas that we weren’t able to include, but the final list of workloads presents a larger variety and we hope that future versions of Speedometer will build upon the current list.


The Chrome Aurora team worked with the Chrome V8 team to validate our assumptions above. In Chrome, we can use runtime-call-stats to measure time spent in each web API (and additionally many internal components). This allows us to get an insight into how dominant certain APIs are.

If we look at Speedometer 2.1 we see that a disproportionate amount of benchmark time is spent in innerHTML.

While innerHTML is an important web API, it's overrepresented in Speedometer 2.1. Doing the same analysis on the new version 3.0 yields a slightly different picture:

We can see that innerHTML is still present, but its overall contribution shrunk from roughly 14% down to 4.5%. As a result, we get a better distribution that favors more DOM APIs to be optimized. We can also see that a few Canvas APIs have moved into this list, thanks to the new workloads in v3.0.

While we will never be able to perfectly represent the whole web in a fast-running and stable benchmark, it is clear that Speedometer 3.0 is a giant step in the right direction.

Ultimately, we ended up with the following list of workloads presented in the next few sections.

What workloads are included?


Many developers might recognize the TodoMVC app. It’s a popular resource for learning and offers a wide range of TodoMVC implementations with different frameworks.

TodoMVC is a to-do application that allows a user to keep track of tasks. The user can enter a new task, update an existing one, mark a task as completed, or delete it. In addition to the basic CRUD operations, the TodoMVC app has some added functionality: filters are available to change the view to “all”, “active” or “completed” tasks and a status text displays the number of active tasks to complete.

In Speedometer, we introduced a local data source for todo items, which we use in our tests to populate the todo apps. This gave us the opportunity to test a larger character set with different languages.

The tests for these apps are all similar and are relatable to typical user journeys with a todo app:

  1. Add a task
  2. Mark task as complete
  3. Delete task
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 a set amount of times

These tests seem simple, but it lets us benchmark DOM manipulations. Having a variety of framework implementations also cover several different ways how this can be done.

Complex DOM / TodoMVC

The complex DOM workloads embed various TodoMVC implementations in a static UI shell that mimics a complex web page. The idea is to capture the performance impact on executing seemingly isolated actions (e.g. adding/deleting todo items) in the context of a complex website. Small performance hits that aren’t obvious in an isolated TodoMVC workload are amplified in a larger application and therefore capture more real-world impact.

The tests are similar to the TodoMVC tests, executed in the complex DOM & CSSOM environment.

This introduces an additional layer of complexity that browsers have to be able to handle effortlessly.

Single-page-applications (News Site)

Single-page-applications (SPAs) are widely used on the web for streaming, gaming, social media and pretty much anything you can imagine. A SPA lets us capture navigating between pages and interacting with an app. We chose a news site to represent a SPA, since it allows us to capture the main areas of interest in a deterministic way. An important factor was that we want to ensure we are using static local data and that the app doesn’t rely on network requests to present this data to the user.

Two implementations are included: one built with Next.js and the other with Nuxt. This gave us the opportunity to represent applications built with meta frameworks, with the caveat that we needed to ensure to use static outputs.

Tests for the news site mimic a typical user journey, by selecting a menu item and navigating to another section of the site.

  1. Click on ‘More’ toggle of the navigation
  2. Click on a navigation button
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 a set amount of times

These tests let us evaluate how well a browser can handle large DOM and CSSOM changes, by changing a large amount of data that needs to be displayed when navigating to a different page.

Charting Apps & Dashboards

Charting apps allow us to test SVG and canvas rendering by displaying charts in various workloads.

These apps represent popular sites that display financial information, stock charts or dashboards.

Both SVG rendering and the use of the canvas api weren’t represented in previous releases of Speedometer.

Observable Plot displays a stacked bar chart, as well as a dotted chart. It is based on D3, which is a JavaScript library for visualizing tabular data and outputs SVG elements. It loops through a big dataset to build the source data that D3 needs, using map, filter and flatMap methods. As a result this exercises creation and copying of objects and arrays.

Chart.js is a JavaScript charting library. The included workload displays a scatter graph with the canvas api, both with some transparency and with full opacity. This uses the same data as the previous workload, but with a different preparation phase. In this case it makes a heavy use of trigonometry to compute distances between airports.

React Stockcharts displays a dashboard for stocks. It is based on D3 for all computation, but outputs SVG directly using React.

Webkit Perf-Dashboard is an application used to track various performance metrics of WebKit. The dashboard uses canvas drawing and web components for its ui.

These workloads test DOM manipulation with SVG or canvas by interacting with charts. For example here are the interactions of the Observable Plot workload:

  1. Prepare data: compute the input datasets to output structures that D3 understands.
  2. Add stacked chart: this draws a chart using SVG elements.
  3. Change input slider to change the computation parameters.
  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2
  5. Reset: this clears the view
  6. Add dotted chart: this draws another type of graph (dots instead of bars) to exercise different drawing primitives. This also uses a power scale.

Code Editors

Editors, for example WYSIWYG text and code editors, let us focus on editing live text and capturing form interactions. Typical scenarios are writing an email, logging into a website or filling out an online form. Although there is some form interaction present in the TodoMVC apps, the editor workloads use a large data set, which lets us evaluate performance more accurately.

Codemirror is a code editor that implements a text input field with support for many editing features. Several languages and frameworks are available and for this workload we used the JavaScript library from Codemirror.

Tiptap Editor is a headless, framework-agnostic rich text editor that's customizable and extendable. This workload used Tiptap as its basis and added a simple ui to interact with.

Both apps test DOM insertion and manipulation of a large amount of data in the following way:

  1. Create an editable element.
  2. Insert a long text.: Codemirror uses the development bundle of React, whileTipTap loads an excerpt of Proust’s Du Côté de Chez Swann.
  3. Highlight text: Codemirror turns on syntax highlighting, while TipTap sets all the text to bold.
Parting words

Being able to collaborate with all major browser vendors and having all of us contribute to workloads has been a unique experience and we are looking forward to continuing to collaborate in the browser benchmarking space.

Don’t forget to check out the new release of Speedometer and test it out in your favorite browser, dig into the results, check out our repo and feel free to open issues with any improvements or ideas for workloads you would like to see included in the next version. We are aiming for a more frequent release schedule in the future and if you are a framework author and want to contribute, feel free to file an issue on our Github to start the discussion.

Posted by Thorsten Kober, Chrome Aurora

Balancing security and usability is always top of mind for us as we strive to stay on top of the constantly evolving threat landscape while building products that are delightful to use. To that end, we'd like to announce a few recent changes to how Chrome works with Google Safe Browsing to keep you safe online while optimizing for smooth and uninterrupted web browsing.

Asynchronous checks

Today, Safe Browsing checks are on the blocking path of page loads in Chrome, meaning that users cannot see pages until checks are completed. While this works fine for local-first checks such as those made using Safe Browsing API v4, it can add latency for checks made directly with the Safe Browsing server. Starting in Chrome 122, we will begin to introduce an asynchronous mechanism which will allow sites to load even while real-time checks with Safe Browsing servers are in progress. We expect this to reduce page load time and improve user experience as real-time server-side checks will no longer block page load, although if a site is found to be dangerous after the page loads then a warning will still be shown.

In addition to the performance boost, this change will let us improve the quality of protection over time. By taking the remote lookup outside of the blocking path of the page load, we're now able to experiment with and deploy novel AI and ML based algorithms to detect and block more phishing and social engineering attacks. It was previously challenging to perform such experimentation because of the potential to delay page loads.

In terms of potential risks, we evaluated the following and concluded that sufficient mitigations are in place:

  • Phishing and social engineering attacks: With the move to asynchronous checks, such sites may start to load while server-side Safe Browsing checks are in progress. We have studied the timing data and concluded that it is extremely unlikely a user would have significantly interacted with (e.g. typed in a password) such a site by the time a warning is shown.

  • Exploits against the browser: Chrome maintains a local Safe Browsing list of some sites which are known to deliver browser exploits, and we'll continue to check that synchronously. Besides this, we always recommend updating Chrome as soon as an update is available, to stay protected online.

Sub-resource checks

Most sites we encounter include various sub-resources as a way to render their content. These sub-resources can include images, scripts, and more. Chrome has historically checked both top-level URLs as well as sub-resources with Safe Browsing in order to warn on potentially harmful sites. While the majority of sub-resources are safe, in the past, we'd commonly observe compromised sites embedding sub-resources that were being leveraged by bad actors to distribute malware and exploit browsers at scale.

In recent years, we've seen this attacker trend decline – large scale campaigns that exploit sub-resources are no longer common, making sub-resource checks less important. Additionally, our advances in intelligence gathering, threat detection, and Safe Browsing APIs mean that we now have other ways to protect users in real-time without relying on sub-resource checks. For example, Chrome’s client-side visual ML model can spot images used to create phishing pages, regardless of their use of sub-resources.

As such, moving forward Chrome will no longer check the URLs of sub-resources with Safe Browsing. This means that Chrome clients now connect to Google less frequently, which reduces unnecessary network bandwidth cost for users. On the Safe Browsing side, the change allows us to drastically simplify detection logic and APIs, which helps improve infrastructure reliability and warning accuracy, thus reducing risk overall.

PDF download checks

Finally, we have vastly reduced the frequency with which Chrome contacts Safe Browsing to check PDF downloads.

In the past, PDF was a widely exploited file type due to its popularity. As time has passed, thanks in part to the ongoing hardening of PDF viewers (for example, Chrome's PDF viewer is sandboxed), we aren't seeing widespread exploitation of PDF anymore, nor do we hear industry reports about it being a dangerous file type. Even when we have observed malicious PDFs in the wild, they have contained links that redirect users back to Chrome which gives us another chance to protect users.

As a result of this change, Chrome is now contacting Safe Browsing billions of times less often each week.

What to expect

The changes described above, while mostly under the hood, should result in a smoother web browsing experience for Chrome users without a degradation in security posture. We'll continue to monitor trends in the threat landscape, and remain ready to respond to keep you safe online.

Posted by Jasika Bawa, Chrome Security & Jonathan Li, Safe Browsing

We are thrilled to share that Chromium issue tracking has migrated! Access the Issue Tracker, and supporting documentation

Why was this done

Issue tracking moved from Monorail to the Chromium Issue Tracker (powered by the Google Issue Tracker) to provide a feature-rich and well-supported issue tracker for Chromium’s ecosystem. Chromium joins other open source projects (Git, Gerrit) on this tooling.

What happens moving forward 

Existing Monorail issue links will redirect to the migrated issues in the new issue tracker. We will prioritize feedback to continue to improve the issue tracker experience.

Help & Feedback

You can reach out at any time to issue-tracker-support@chromium.org with questions or concerns.

As we shared last year, Chromium is moving to a different issue tracker to provide a well-supported user experience for the long term. Migration is beginning today (February 2, 2024) at 5pm PST. We expect migration will be completed by the end of day (PST) February 4, 2024.

What’s happening

We will migrate all Chromium issues, including issue history and stars, from Monorail to a different tool: Chromium Issue Tracker, powered by the Google Issue Tracker. This tooling change will provide a feature-rich and well-supported issue tracker for Chromium’s ecosystem. Chromium will join other open source projects (Git, Gerrit) on this tooling. Existing transparency levels to bugs will be maintained. 


We will publish another post once the migration is complete. Once the migration completes, existing Monorail issue links will redirect to the migrated issues in the new issue tracker. We will prioritize feedback to continue to improve the issue tracker experience. Documentation on new and common workflows will be added to chromium.org once the migration is complete. 

Help & Feedback

You can reach out at any time to issue-tracker-support@chromium.org with questions or concerns.

Whether you’re browsing the web on your PC at home or on the go with your phone, we designed Chrome to be simple to use and work great on all platforms. For example, tools like Chrome sync have made it possible for you to access your bookmarks and passwords when switching between all your devices. 

In the coming weeks we’re making changes to Chrome on iOS to help you get to your most important stuff right away. Instead of having to set up Chrome sync on your device, you can now simply sign in to Chrome to save new things in your Google Account and access what's already there. This may feel familiar to you, as it’s how many Google apps on iOS already work today. Once you’re signed in to Chrome, you’ll be able to save your important stuff to your account, including bookmarks, reading lists, passwords, payment info, addresses and settings. And, you can separately opt in to synchronizing your tabs and browsing history from Chrome on iOS to your Google Account, which can help you pick up browsing where you left off on another device.

These updates are also designed to help you manage your data. When you sign in to Chrome, the browsing data that’s already on your device will be kept separate as local data on your device. You’ll be able to easily distinguish local from account data in settings. And, if you want any local data to be available on your other devices, you can simply go to settings and save it to your account.

Signing in to Chrome on iOS remains entirely optional. If you don’t sign in, you can still save your bookmarks, passwords and more, but they will be available only on the device where you saved them. You can also continue to sign in to Google web services like Gmail without signing in to Chrome.

We’re hoping these changes make it even easier for you to get the best of Chrome while offering you all the flexibility you need.

Posted by Nico Jersch, Chrome Product Manager

Today’s The Fast and the Curious post explores how Core Web Vitals saved Chrome users more than 10,000 Years of waiting for web pages to load in 2023 (across Chrome desktop and Android) by quantifying the experience of sites and identifying opportunities to make improvements.

In 2020, we introduced Web Vitals - essential quality signals for webpages to ensure a better user experience. Since then, there has been a massive leap in web performance made possible by our work on Core Web Vitals (CWV) and its broader impact on the web. Today, over 40% of sites pass all of the CWV metrics, leading to pages that load and respond to interactions more quickly. Here’s a closer look at the journey to help improve the performance for sites and some specific work done in the browser and the ecosystem to enable this achievement. 

Chrome's Quest for Speed

The very essence of the web lies in its ability to provide information and services efficiently and rapidly. This principle is at the heart of Google's business and drives our work on Chrome. However, we noticed an issue with sites over a long time horizon. Even if slow sites improved their performance for a while, it would often decline over time. No matter how fast Google Search might be, the user experience would be subpar if the pages found were slow to load.

We could not help these sites improve their performance directly, but we wanted users to have a great experience when they moved from Google Search to the individual sites. To tackle the challenge of improving the user experience while simultaneously providing unified guidance to developers, teams from Search and Chrome collaborated to address the issue of slow web pages.

Defining the Fast Web 

We examined millions of pages to define a public standard for a fast, user-friendly web page (initially published in The Science Behind Web Vitals). We published our specifications and data to the open ecosystem and took note of  the feedback we received. The introduction of CWV metrics such as LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) was groundbreaking because it allowed us to measure when the user actually sees the content. The ability to measure the actual user experience at scale has been foundational to the improvements that we will discuss in this blog post.

Next, we updated Google's search ranking algorithms in August 2021 to consider, among other factors, whether a page met the speed and usability standards established as part of CWV.  Today, it remains highly recommended for site owners to achieve good Core Web Vitals for success with Search and to ensure a great user experience generally.

Exponential Impact of Small Changes

The results we saw after these changes were significant. The average page load in Chrome is now 166 ms faster. That might seem like a minor improvement, but small changes can accumulate to create a substantial impact on the web. 

So far in 2023, this project saved users over 10,000 years of waiting for web pages to load and over 1,200 years of waiting for web pages to respond to user input. And the web continues to get faster. We also tracked improvements in how many navigations meet Core Web Vitals (CWV). The current figures stand at 64.45% for mobile (up from 64%) and 68.39% for desktop (up from 67%). The Chrome Data team projects a ~69% pass rate by the end of the year.

Caption: Our savings for LCP translate into 8,000 years saved for users waiting for pages to load on Android and 2,000 years in 2023 so far. On INP, we have saved users 800 years on Android and 450 years on Windows so far in 2023.

Next, let’s look at some recent updates from both the Chrome team and the wider developer ecosystem, demonstrating how our joint efforts are speeding up the web.

Chrome’s Core Web Vitals Achievements

We’re proud to highlight numerous ways we’ve optimized performance. 

  • The Back/forward cache (bfcache) is designed to improve browsing experience by enabling instant back and forward navigation. BFCache’s hit rate has improved month-over-month on both Android (3.6%) and Desktop (1.8%).

  • Another example of a particularly impactful optimization is our PreconnectOnAnchorInteraction feature which connects to origins on pointer-down rather than pointer-up. This fully launched feature led to a 6/10ms (0.4/1%) median LCP improvement on Android/Desktop, and an improvement in cross-origin LCP by ~60ms on both Android and Desktop. The launch also resulted in a 0.08% Content Ad revenue increase, underlining the significant impact of performance optimizations on user engagement and ecosystem health.

  • We also introduced prerendering, which makes pages load instantly by rendering them before the user actually visits. Page loads via typing URLs directly in the omnibox get a 500-700ms (14-25%) median LCP improvement when prerendered, depending on the platform, moving global median LCP across all navigations by 6.4ms. We're currently rolling out prerendering of omnibox-initiated searches.

  • Chrome has been working hard to keep background tabs out of your way. Implementing tab throttling for background tabs running at EcoQOS on Windows 11 and Task Role and QoS Adjustments on macOS have led to improvements in Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Interaction to Next Paint (INP).

  • The web’s modern ability to run all types of applications also comes with a mandate to manage the workload that this encurs. We have been optimizing Chrome under mutliple active tabs  and are happy to report improvements to scheduling and contention which improve INP by 5% and LCP by 2% in the last 6 months.

  • We have made targeted improvements to the page loading code in Chrome in 2022. These resulted in LCP improving by 10% on Android, and CWV pass rate improving by 1.5%.

  • Chrome's renderer has also seen some improvements. The renderer's main thread includes task queues for JavaScript, rendering, and image loading. Some changes that alter the priority of these tasks for optimal CWV include.

    • High priority image loading: Historically, image-loading had the same or lower priority than rendering. However, an experiment showed that between an image load task and a rendering task, choosing the image load task first can prevent layout shift of an intermediate frame that doesn't have the image and also improves LCP. The improvement on Android at the 75th percentile was -6.66% for CLS and -0.82% for LCP, improving the CWV pass rate on Android by +0.24%. A similar experiment that boosted the loading priority to "medium" of the first five images parsed from the HTML (for non-icon-sized images) showed an improvement on Android at the 75th percentile of -6.08% for CLS and -0.53% for LCP. A combined experiment showed the effects of both changes were largely independent. 

    • Prioritize compositing after delay: If it has been more than 100ms since the last compositing task run, elevate the priority of any queued compositing task so that it will preempt normal-priority work. This produced an improvement of -0.27% for CLS on Android and Windows at the 95th percentile.

    • SVG Raster Optimizations: Another SVG drawing optimization improved INP pass rates on desktops by -2.28% for MacOS at the 75th percentile. 

Caption: An example of Chrome’s new prioritized loading of the first five images parsed from the HTML. This improved LCP from 3.1s to 2.5s.

Ecosystem Core Web Vitals Achievements

The broader developer ecosystem has also achieved remarkable results by focusing on Core Web Vitals. The most significant achievement was the performance improvement on WordPress - the Content Management System that powers over a third of the web: "WordPress 6.3 loads 27% faster for block themes and 18% faster for classic themes, compared to WordPress 6.2, based on the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric". 

Some parts of the WordPress ecosystem are going even further. Prerendering some links via the speculation rules API, NitroPack's prerendered page loads have seen an 80% LCP improvement and 55% INP improvement compared to those without any speculative loading.

Caption: The percentage of origins passing all three Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID, CLS) with a "good" experience (Source: HTTP Archive)

The JavaScript framework community has also seen Core Web Vital gains. Over the past few years, Chrome Aurora has collaborated with Next.js, Angular, and Nuxt to release performance-focused features like the next/script component, NgOptimizedImage, and nuxt/google-fonts. In 2022, Next.js pass rates increased from 20.4% to 27.3%, Angular pass rates increased from 7.6% to 13.2%, and Nuxt pass rates increased from 15.8% to 20.2%. Enterprise partners who tried our features have seen wins in LCP. For example, after switching to NgOptimizedImage, Land's End saw a 40% LCP improvement on mobile in Lighthouse lab tests and a 75% improvement in LCP on desktop. In similar tests, CareerKarma's LCP reduced 24% when switching to next/script's web worker mode. 

In the business world, performance optimization has led to remarkable growth. For instance, RedBus improved INP and observed a 7% increase in conversion rates. Economic Times improved INP and saw a 42% rise in page views and a 49% reduction in bounce rate. Meesho successfully brought LCP down from 6.9s to 2.5s, resulting in a 16.6% reduction in bounce rate and a 3% increase in conversions.

Major web platforms have also seen significant improvements. Amazon has leveraged the bfcache change introduced on Chrome and saw a 22.7 percentage point (pp) improvement in bfcache hit rate with Chrome's latest version (M112). Cricbuzz experienced an even higher increase, with a 31.40 pp improvement.

Partnering for a Better Web 

These performance improvements aren't just statistics – they represent real-world improvements in user experience (and hence business metrics) as well as developer experience.


Crucially, we have managed to achieve these speed boosts without impacting developer satisfaction, which remains high at 90% overall. Through our developer satisfaction studies, we also found that about half (~51%) of developers are monitoring CWV and are either already optimizing for them or planning to do so. Furthermore, a significant majority (78%) of developers optimizing for CWV report seeing notable improvements in their scores.

Our aim is always to create a better web experience for all users, so we're excited to see the web getting faster. But we also understand that maintaining developer satisfaction is crucial to sustaining these improvements. As developers continue to monitor and optimize for CWV, we are optimistic about the future of web performance.

On behalf of the Chrome team, we want to thank the developer community for their incredible work. By focusing on Core Web Vitals, we've made the web a significantly faster and more enjoyable place to be. We look forward to continuing this journey together, making the web better for everyone, everywhere.

Posted by Addy Osmani, Annie Sullivan and Kouhei Ueno, Software Engineers for Chrome