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Custom Tabs is a browser feature, introduced by Chrome, that is now supported by most major browsers on Android. It gives apps more control over their web experience, and makes transitions between native and web content more seamless without having to resort to a WebView. Similar to when using the browser, users frequently want to share the content that is rendered inside the Custom Tabs.

Custom Tabs do not provide a default sharing experience and many apps don’t provide a way for users to share content at all. This results in a poor user experience where users must find the share action from the overflow menu in the browser. This action takes the user outside of the app and opens the link in the browser, resulting in decreased app engagement.

In Chrome 88 we're running an experiment to automatically add a default share action in certain scenarios. For example, where an app has not specified its own Action Button, we will display one in the top bar. Where a site has specified its own top bar Action Button, a default share action is added to the overflow menu.

A default Action Button that shares the URL is added to the top bar when the application doesn’t provide one.

What do I need to do to enable the new default share action button in?Nothing! The default Action Button will be automatically added to the application, as long as the application doesn’t set its own. Since this change will happen in the browser, it will be automatically applied to all apps using Custom Tabs.

Please note: this is a change in Chrome’s behavior and we hope other browsers will add similar functionality.

How can I opt-out from the share icon showing in my App?
Starting with androidx.browser version 1.3.0, developers can use the setShareState() method from the CustomTabsIntent.Builder to disable the default share:

val customTabsIntent = CustomTabsIntent.Builder()



As part of this change, the addDefaultShareMenuItem() and setDefaultShareMenuItemEnabled() methods from CustomTabsIntent.Builder have been deprecated and developers should use setShareState() instead.

If your application uses Custom Tabs, we’d like to hear your feedback, and you can reach out to us using this form.

Since we introduced Data Saver in Chrome, we’ve reduced users’ data usage by up to 60 percent. But now, the feature is expanding to provide more benefits in addition to data savings. Pages will now load faster, in some cases considerably faster, and use less memory. This is why starting today, we will be renaming Data Saver to Lite mode.

Lite mode will continue to reduce data use by using Google servers to compress the pages you visit before downloading them. Using the NetworkInformation API, Lite mode tells web servers that you are interested in receiving a version of the site that uses less data if one is available.

Lite mode also helps improve page loads. If Chrome predicts that a page will take longer than 5 seconds for the first text or image to show on screen, it will load a Lite version of the page instead. Lite pages are highly optimized to load considerably faster. A whitepaper will be published in the coming months that will explain this in more detail.

And of course, Lite mode will continue to respect your privacy. When Chrome optimizes an HTTPS page, only the URL is shared with Google and other information such as cookies, login information, and personalized page content is not shared with Google. We never break secure connections between Chrome and a website.

Lite mode is available only on Chrome for Android. The Chrome Data Saver desktop extension will be deprecated in M74.

To enable Lite mode, select Settings > Lite mode and toggle the setting to On. If you already have Data Saver enabled, then Lite mode will automatically be enabled.

Posted by Ben Greenstein, Technical Lead for Lite Mode and Nancy Gao, Product Manager on Chrome