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Today, we released the Zopfli Compression Algorithm, a C library that compresses existing web content 3–8% more densely.

Zopfli is compatible with the normal decompression mechanisms already present in web browsers and  uses a much slower but more exhaustive compression algorithm than, for example, the zlib library. This can result in smaller data sizes and faster web pages.

To learn more about Zopfli, visit our site.

Earlier today we launched Super Sync Sports, a Chrome Experiment. It’s an interactive web game that enables up to four friends to compete in running, swimming and cycling events on a shared computer screen, using their smartphones or tablets as game controllers.

Super Sync Sports was built with the latest browser technologies:
  • Touch APIs to recognise gestures made on your smartphone and tablet. 
  • WebSockets are used to deliver immediate real-time playback across all the players in your group and to update the main game screen as you play. 
  • Finally, CSS3, SVG and Canvas provide rich visuals and an immersive experience. 
In the next few weeks, we’ll be publishing an article on HTML5 Rocks with more information on how we built this experience. You can follow +Google Chrome Developers to learn when the article will be live.

In the meantime, enjoy competing with your friends at chrome.com/supersyncsports and be sure to open Chrome’s developer tools to see what happens under the track!

Today’s Chrome Beta channel release includes a slew of awesome new features to help you make your web apps more powerful and beautiful. Unless otherwise noted, all updates apply to Chrome for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.

<template> Element

The <template> element is part of Web Components, a set of cutting edge standards that will make it possible to build reusable widgets for the web. The element allows you to store HTML fragments that you intend to use for any reason at any time during the lifetime of your page, but that aren’t ready or shouldn’t be used during page load. Here’s an illustrative code snippet from the HTML5 Rocks article:

Unprefixed CSS Transitions & calc()

CSS Transitions allow CSS property changes to occur smoothly rather than abruptly, as in this demo. The calc() function allows you to use basic mathematical expressions anywhere a length or number is required by a CSS property. Here’s some example code:

Both the prefixed and unprefixed versions of these features will work in today’s Beta, but you should switch to the unprefixed versions after Chrome 26 reaches the Stable channel as we are ending official support for the prefixed versions.

activeTab Extensions API

Chrome extensions let you add custom functionality to desktop versions of the browser. Starting in Chrome 26, the activeTab API allows your extension to interact with the currently active tab when the user invokes your extension - for example by clicking its browser action or hitting a keyboard shortcut. Since the activeTab API requires a user action to activate, it does not cause an install-time permissions warning.

Other new web platform features

The web platform evolves rapidly. In this release, we’ve added the following:
  • HTML <main> element can be used to represent the main content of the <body> of a document or application.
  • CSS pseudo elements (like ::before and ::after) can now be animated and transitioned.
  • Encrypted Media Extensions allow you to play protected audio and video content on the web. See them in action in this WebM demo, and note that they’re not yet available on Android.
  • Enable the Experimental JavaScript flag in chrome://flags to try Object.observe(). It lets you add a listener to any JavaScript object that gets called whenever that object or its properties change, as in this simple demo.
Features removed

MathML has been disabled in order to resolve security and stability issues. In Chrome for Android, we’ve removed support for the datetime <input> type because the spec is still under development. Please use the datetime-local type instead.

Stay in the loop

Visit chromestatus.com for a complete overview of Chrome’s developer features, and circle +Google Chrome Developers for more frequent updates. Get coding!

Posted by Rafael Weinstein, Software Engineer and <template> Templar

Today, on the Chrome dev channel for Windows, you can try the Chrome app launcher--a dedicated home for your apps which makes them easy to open outside the browser. This is the same experience as the app launcher on Chromebooks, but for other platforms. It’s available on Windows now, and will be coming to Mac OS X and Linux soon.

You’ll need to install a Chrome packaged app, such as IRC client CIRC or Text Drive, in order to try out the Chrome app launcher. Chrome packaged apps deliver a native-like experience across multiple platforms with the security properties of a web page. Just like web apps, packaged apps are written in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. But packaged apps launch outside the browser, work offline by default, and have access to powerful APIs not available to web apps.


You’ll get the app launcher as an icon on your Windows taskbar the first time you install a packaged app. Chrome packaged apps are not yet searchable on the Chrome Web Store - but you can build your own packaged app, upload it to the Chrome Web Store and access it via its direct link.

Try out the app launcher and let us know what you think. If you have any questions or comments, you can use Stack Overflow or chromium-apps. File your bugs and feature requests here.

Posted by Sriram Saroop, Product Manager

Since speed is critical for a good experience when using the web, at Google we’re always exploring ways to make the web faster. As it turns out, one of the biggest bang-for-the-buck ways to do that is by replacing JPEG and PNG images with WebP. WebP offers significantly better compression than these legacy formats (around 35% better in most cases), and when you consider that over 60% of typical page sizes are images, the benefits can be substantial. WebP translates directly into less bandwidth consumption, decreased latency, faster page loads, better battery consumption on mobile, and overall happier users.

Case in point: the Chrome Web Store uses many large promotional images and tiles on its home page, making it a very heavyweight page. The team was eager to find ways to improve its speed, without sacrificing the user experience or giving up image quality. WebP to the rescue!

By converting PNGs and JPEGs to WebP, the Chrome Web Store was able to reduce image sizes by about 30% on average (here’s one sample image in WebP at 8.3kB and JPEG at 32kB). Given the number of requests Chrome Web Store serves, this adds up to several terabytes of savings every day.

For users, the rubber meets the road when it comes to how fast the page loads though. On this score, with WebP we were able to reduce average home page load time by nearly one-third — a huge benefit for our users.

To implement WebP, the team first added transcoding support to the image request pipeline; then at runtime the site checks whether the client browser supports WebP and requests the WebP version for each image when it does. The effort to implement it turned out to be not much work for a lot of benefit.

To find out more about how you can make your site faster, visit our Make the Web Faster site and dive into WebP.

Last year, Chrome introduced manifest V2 to Apps and Extension developers, which brings a variety of security and API improvements such as a default Content Security Policy. As of Chrome 18, manifest V1 was officially deprecated. At the time, we published our manifest version support schedule to give developers transparency and insight into our plans for migrating to the new version.

Today, we’re announcing a slight update to that schedule, to let developers know that they have until Monday, March 4, 2013 to make updates to their existing manifest V1-based items. After that date, the Chrome Web Store will block all updates to products based on manifest V1 unless the update includes switching it to manifest V2.

Developers are strongly encouraged to migrate their items to manifest V2 now. Follow the migration tutorial, and you can always contact us on the chromium-apps forum and our G+ page with any questions you may have.

Earlier today we unveiled Find Your Way To Oz, a new Chrome Experiment inspired by the upcoming feature film Oz The Great and Powerful. Developed by UNIT9, this experiment brings together Disney’s unique storytelling tradition and the power of the web platform, allowing users to interact with the web in a completely new way.

The desktop version of “Find Your Way To Oz” uses many of the open web’s more advanced features:
  • Immersive Graphics: The experiment uses WebGL for the main 3D environment, CSS3 features such as CSS Transitions for various visual embellishments, and GLSL shaders for the tornado’s ominous look and feel. 
  • Rich Audio: As the user explores the experiment, the 3D sound dynamically adapts thanks to the Web Audio API. The same API powers the experiment’s music composing section. 
  • Camera-based interactions: Through WebRTC’s getUserMedia API, users can become circus characters or record their own mini-movies. 
The experiment’s mobile web version also uses cutting-edge web technologies. These include graphics features such as accelerated 3D transforms and sprite sheets as well as mobile hardware features like camera, multi-touch, gyroscope and accelerometer. Together they create an experience that can normally only be found in native apps.

To learn more about how this experiment was built, read our technical case study and join us for a Google Developers Live event on February 11th at 11 a.m. GMT where we’ll be talking to the team behind the project. Alternatively, use Chrome’s developer tools to see how the experiment works on your own, perhaps finding in the process your own path to the yellow brick road.

For the first time, Chrome and Firefox can “talk” to each other via WebRTC. WebRTC is a new set of technologies that brings clear crisp voice, sharp high-definition (HD) video and low-delay communication to the web browser.

From the very beginning, this joint WebRTC effort was embraced by the open web community, including engineers from the Chrome and Firefox teams. The common goal was to help developers offer rich, secure communications, integrated directly into their web applications.

In order to succeed, a web-based communications platform needs to work across browsers. Thanks to the work and participation of the W3C and IETF communities in developing the platform, Chrome and Firefox can now communicate by using standard technologies such as the Opus and VP8 codecs for audio and video, DTLS-SRTP for encryption, and ICE for networking.

To try this yourself, you’ll need desktop Chrome 25 Beta and Firefox Nightly for Desktop. In Firefox, you'll need to go to about:config and set the media.peerconnection.enabled pref to "true”. Then head over to the WebRTC demo site and start calling.

For developers looking to include this functionality in their own apps, there are a few places you can go to get more information. You can look at the source code of the AppRTC demo, a library that makes writing cross-browser WebRTC apps a snap, and a document detailing some of the minor differences between browsers.

You can read more from Mozilla’s hacks blog here and view our first “Official” call at the video below: