From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Laying out UVs

Laying out UVs

- ZBrush can work with polypainting as well as bitmap textures. In order to apply textures or convert polypainting to textures, we have to create a UV layout, which is a fancy way of saying that we have to create a flattened version of the model so that a 2D image can be mapped onto the 3D surface. ZBrush has some automated tools to make this fairly simple. Let's see how. Okay, so we've got the bull model here, and as you can see it's fully painted. If I hit D to go up in the subdivision levels a few times you can see that I've got this texture polypainted on. So to lay out the UVs let's go up to Zplugin and I'm actually going to click on that circle and arrow to bring this over into the left dock. And what we want to be working in is UV Master. We make sure that's open and just go ahead and click Unwrap. Now you might get an error if your object has multiple subdivision levels and you're not on the lowest level, so I'm just…
