From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Exporting to FBX format

Exporting to FBX format

- [Instructor] Lets take a look at yet another way to export our models for other software. In this video, we're going to be using the FBX format, which is a pretty common format that most 3-D animation software can open. It sort of packages all of the models together into one file and it's able to read in all sorts of different texture maps, so it makes it really easy to import an entire scene from one program into another. So let's take stock of what we have here in our subtools. You can see we've got several different subtools and we've also got several different types of maps. So for example, we've got this color texture map, we've got a normal map, and we don't have a displacement map here right now, so what is going to happen is that the FBX Exporter is going to export any maps that currently exist. So if a map doesn't exist, we need to make sure it exists if we want it. So to make a displacement map, we just want to…
