From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Using Dynamic Subdivision

Using Dynamic Subdivision - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

Using Dynamic Subdivision

- [Male Narrator] There are times when you might want to make an object smooth, in the way that subdividing makes everything soft and round, but you don't actually need to sculpt any finer detail into it. For this, there's dynamic subdivision. And it's great because it allows you to control smoothness of an object dynamically. Let's see how it works. Okay, so you can see our model is a fairly low polymodel, let's select the shirt now by alt-clicking on it. And, let's take a look at its geometry. So you can see we don't have any subdivision levels yet. Now, let's come down to Dynamic Subdiv. And go ahead, and click on this button, or you can hit d on the keyboard. Now, if you hit d, you'll get this pop-up, telling us that we don't have any subdivision levels yet, and, so it's asking us if we want to turn on dynamic subdivision instead. So, click yes. So, basically, the way you toggle dynamic on and off, is the same way…
