From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Extruding faces

Extruding faces

- [Narrator] When you want to add to the overall shape of a model, few procedures are more common than extrude. In this video, I'll show you how to pull new volume and shape out of existing polygons. Okay, so we've got the ZModeler brush active. Let's make sure we're on the head sub-tool, and let's go ahead and zoom in, and let's give her a mouth. So we can hover over polygons, and let's hold down the space bar and see the options here. Make sure you're in extrude mode. I also have symmetry mode turned on. Go ahead and hit X if that's not on. Okay, so what you can see is we can simply extrude in and create more geometry for a mouth, So now if we were to increase the resolution of this mesh, we would have geometry for sculpting the lips and so on. And that's all fine and simple, but let's take a look at some more complicated ways that we can use the ZModeler brush with extrude. So I'm going to undo this, and let's…
