From the course: The New Age of Risk Management Strategy for Business

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Ten steps to protect your assets

Ten steps to protect your assets

- Strategy is a crucial part of any business leader's career. As CEO, president, executive or business owner, you spend a large part of your day strategizing and thinking of the future. It's how you grow your business, innovate and create new products and services, expand territories and leverage technology. I hope that this course has influenced you to add one more component to your strategic thinking and that's risk management. You're already skilled in thinking about the future. Now, it's time to consider how those decisions impact your company, the market, and the employees. As technologies advance and opportunities grow, so do the risk exposures. Your assignment is all about the 10 next steps to protect your most valued assets. Add risk protection to your list of strategic topics. Identify key people inside your company that have the skills to help you. Hire experts in areas that you don't have internal talent to…
