From the course: The New Age of Risk Management Strategy for Business

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Leadership in a global economy

Leadership in a global economy

- Leadership is a risk management strategy. Decisions are made daily by CEOs and boards of directors that shape the future of the organization, its employees, and clients. As the 21st century moves on, the opportunities will expand with both the current client base and the opportunities that are yet to be realized; that puts skilled decision making at a high premium. One can't help but notice that decisions being made by organizations are coming under fire. These organizations are not just businesses; they also include political, academic, and faith-based enterprises. At no time in history are organizational decisions more broadly scrutinized or have more impact on reputation. Leadership and decision making must be part of any risk management strategy. Consider my four-point approach to risk management strategy around leadership in a global economy. Point one, board members must be fully engaged, or they need to be fired.…
