From the course: The New Age of Risk Management Strategy for Business

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Insurance response in the future

Insurance response in the future

- The insurance industry has traditionally been slow to adapt to changes that they don't understand. In the past, they've taken their time to respond to issues around pollution, employment practices liability, and most recently, cyber. To their credit, they are working harder than ever to be more responsive as technological advances demand it. To start, let's look at drones. The pervasiveness of drones really hit home for me the other night. I announce local high school football games, and a few weeks ago, I saw a drone flying directly over the playing field during the game. The visiting team had a man on their sideline directing it with remote control, likely to gain information on plays. If a high school football team uses them, you know that drones will become more common for all types of businesses in the future. In the insurance world, drones are considered aircraft. You don't need to purchase aviation…
