From the course: The New Age of Risk Management Strategy for Business

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Culture shock

Culture shock

- The internet and our rapidly expanding global economy has not only spawned opportunities for sales growth, but also enhanced the ability to speak face-to-face virtually. This has created a new risk exposure I call culture shock. While we are all human beings, our ways of life, languages and cultures are starkly different. Here are three areas to be aware of as we continue to work our way through this century. The first is language. Countries from around the world are committed to teaching language skills and English is the predominant, default language to learn. That doesn't make translation crystal clear. Outside the United States and other English speaking countries, the language is taught formally. Business leaders in these countries sound and appear to be fluent, yet often don't pick up the idioms and slang used by natural speakers. For instance, the simple phrase, that's a very cool proposal, may lead business…
