From the course: The New Age of Risk Management Strategy for Business

Risk strategy increases opportunity

(gentle upbeat music) - Think about what the world was like just 10 years ago in your personal life, in technology, in politics, in social media. Just 10 years ago, the world was very different. If you're a CEO, business owner, or responsible for business continuity, both now and in the future, then this course is for you. My name is Dan Weedin. I'm the founder and president of Toro Consulting Inc. In this course, I will teach you a strategic and practical approach to be prepared for the next 30 years and protect your most valued assets, including your employees. You're going to need to know about how artificial intelligence, globalization, social media, and other fast-changing variables will affect your risk. Don't be overwhelmed. Taking this course will help you set up a plan and be much more aware of how to protect your profits and assets. (gentle upbeat music fades)
