From the course: Tasks in Microsoft Teams: First Look

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Sort and filter tasks

Sort and filter tasks

- [Instructor] You can sort, a my tasks list by priority and due date in ascending or descending order. The arrow next to the column name as you see it here for do, indicates that this column is being sorted and the position the arrow is pointing up or down indicates if it's a ascending or descending order. To change this, go ahead and select the field. Notice that the arrow is pointing up and the order of the tasks has been rearranged in that order. You can also sort by some of the other fields like priority. If I select priority, we've now changed the order of these. Notice how the exclamation Mark has moved to the bottom, if I selected again, it's moved to the top. Same thing for task title. We can sort these in A to Z order or Z to A order. You can also filter a list based on the due date and priority by working with the filters and then choosing a filter parameter within each labeled section. Let's go ahead and select…
