From the course: Tasks in Microsoft Teams: First Look

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Add a task to a list

Add a task to a list

- To create a task, start by selecting the task list you want to create it in. Right now we're in the tasks list here. But we can place this in a custom created list such as the newly created meetings list, let's select meetings. Over to the right, the blinking cursor indicates that we need to give this task a name. Let's go ahead and type in this new task area entitle this create meeting notes templates. The next column indicates that we can give this task a priority. You'll notice as I hover over this, the tool tip indicates that this is set to medium. And that's what that dot icon is indicating. By selecting this area, we can also change it to important which will give it the exclamation mark as well. If we mark this as important, it's going to place it in this important list as well. Think of that as a filtered list to see all of the things that are high priority. Let's go back and change this though, we're going…
