From the course: Tasks in Microsoft Teams: First Look

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Move a task to another list

Move a task to another list

- [Instructor] Sometimes, a list can get rather lengthy, with the many tasks that you have added to it. You may want to chunk a long task list, by creating other lists, and then, moving some tasks from one list to another. Another scenario is that you created the task in the wrong list to begin with, and you need to move it. Let's check out how we can move a task from this Meetings list, over to the Project Bravo list. Here's the task that we need to move. Let's go to the ellipses that are in line with this task. This is the More Actions menu. By selecting this, one of the choices that we have is to move the task. Let's select that from the menu. Next, we need to choose the destination. By selecting this field, we can then select the Project Bravo list, and then, select Move. The task no longer appears here, in the Meeting list, and if we go over to Project Bravo, here it is. And that's how you can move a task to…
