From the course: Tasks in Microsoft Teams: First Look

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Edit a task

Edit a task

- [Instructor] There's a few ways you can edit a task. If you simply need to make a quick change to the priority level, maybe the due date or progress, select the ellipses that's in line with the task item. By selecting this, you have a menu where you can change the progress to completed or maybe change the priority to important. As well, You can change the due date, move the task, or delete the task. Let's click outside of here to close this menu. Another way to make some changes is to select an empty area in line with the task. Let's go ahead and select right here. Notice a ribbon that appears at the top. From here, we can also change the progress, mark it as completed, we can change the priority, or the due date. And then additional options are the ellipses that you see here. This gives the capability to move the task or delete it. All right, now I'm going to click outside of this menu to get rid of that contextual…
